The Street Philosophers Society
Used Philosophy Books

There are currently 3 books listed below. As more people send in book requests, I will begin to sort the wantlist into sections. If you would like to add used philosophy books that you have been looking for to this list, please send email to me, and be sure to include the information in the instructions at the Used Philosophy Books Marketplace Homepage

Used Philosophy Books Wanted:

  1. Martin Heidegger, What is a Thing.
    Wanted by: Ian Duckles
  2. Benjamin A.G. Fuller, History of Philosophy
    Wanted by:
  3. Looking for a copy of out-of-print book by Richard J. Bernstein, __John Dewey__
    (ca. late 60s or early 70s)
    Wanted by: Elaine Robinson
  4. L. Goldmann, The Hidden God...
    Wanted by: Eloy Apodaca
  5. Michael Hammond, Jane Howarth, and Russell Keat, Understanding Phenomenology (ISBN: 063113283X)
    Wanted by: Matt Ebert
  6. J. Morreall , Anthology of Laughter and Humor
    Wanted by: Michael K Cundall Jr.
  7. Henry Babcock Veatch , Two Logics; published in 1969
    Wanted by: John Catan
  8. Joel Thomas Tierno, "Descartes on God and Human Error"
    Wanted by Barbara

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